The most economical type of mechanical binding, single-wire spiral is ideal for products with short shelf lives like blank notebooks. It can also be a lower-cost alternative to Wire-O® when page registration is not an issue because it lies flat and opens back-to-back for hands-free use. Spiral wire binding is available in a variety of colors and allows for a mix of paper and cover stocks to accommodate foldouts, tabs, and inserts.
Three automatic binders
Punch hole ratio:
- 5:1 Up to 1/4 inch
- 4:1 Up to 3/4 inch
- 2.5:1 Up to 1-1/8 inch
Binding edges: One inch to 17 inches
Wire formed on binder. Book thickness determines wire gauge and thickness.
Punch hole patterns: Round, oval
Standard colors: Black, white, red, gold, blue, green, gray, pewter
PANTONE® PMS colors: Special order
Wire-O® is a registered trademark of James Burn International.PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.